Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Flip cameras

Okay so I just bought my flip camera fyi I am really excited. I wish could or knew how to upload videos onto here to share them with you guys I am sure you guys would enjoy videos of my friends falling or cat and dog fighting just as much as me. The camera is so easy to use I am psyched. A couple years ago I bought a high tech camera which cost me over a thousand dollars and was a complete waste of my time. I had to read the terrible manual for days before I could even operate it. Then it took even more study time to learn all of the different functions all the while I just needed something simple to film videos with. So finally that wretched camera broke and I thought it was time to move on into the new technology that has come out and went and bought a flip camera. This was a great day. I was able to film with it as soon as I got into my car and immediately went to my friends house to go skating and hopefully get some good footage. While secretly I was hoping someone would fall so I could catch a quick clip of it. It would be sweet if I could catch one of my first videos of one of my friends falling and record one of my first owned videos. If I got that video I would have been so excited but unfortunately I could not have been that lucky. So no I am working on my editing skills with the program that comes with the camera. The program is simple to use and works with any computer system. I combined smaller videos to make a larger movie and I hope to share some of them soon. I will probably post a link to my youtube in a couple days when I get decent amount of videos going so they will contain jokes that everyone can get not just inside jokes with me and my friends. So until next time guys I will be playing with my flip camera and hopefully sharing videos soon. For info and adventures with my camera check out flipcamerascheap.com

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