Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Flip cameras

So I know I just posted about my flip camera but I left some stuff out and already pushed the publish post button...so annoying but yea..Earlier today I saw some a crazy car accident luckily no one was hurt but imagine if I caught it on tape but no I did not have it on me but I did bring my camera out with me last night. We went out to some local bars and I if I had a nickel for every time someone asked me if I was taking a picture of them but in reality I was taking videos of them. So I have at least ten videos of people holding their poses for five seconds before asking are you taking a video. If anyone has a camera that can take videos they know exactly the face people make, and if you are the people stuck holding a pose you can feel the embarrassment slowly crawl over your face as your realize their is no picture being taken. But for me this feeling really makes me think how much better natural pictures are when compared to posing for pictures. Good thing I have my flip camera and can catch people's transition from fake, rigid poses to their naturally poses often guided by confused faces when there is no flash to be seen. I am heading out tonight again and will definitely be bringing my camera with me. I wish I could post the countless videos that people think are pictures as they are being recorded. I am absoloutely satisfied with my camera and I have been editing these short videos into a longer movie. I think some of the funniest videos are ones of shorter compilations. I think everyone can agree in how much enjoyment they get out of watching a compilation of videos on the internet. I know I can watch numerous in a row until I can not stop laughing. Hopefully one day I will be sharing my videos and making my own compilations with my flip camera.For a more detailed account of me and my camera check out flipcamerascheap.com

Flip cameras

Okay so I just bought my flip camera fyi I am really excited. I wish could or knew how to upload videos onto here to share them with you guys I am sure you guys would enjoy videos of my friends falling or cat and dog fighting just as much as me. The camera is so easy to use I am psyched. A couple years ago I bought a high tech camera which cost me over a thousand dollars and was a complete waste of my time. I had to read the terrible manual for days before I could even operate it. Then it took even more study time to learn all of the different functions all the while I just needed something simple to film videos with. So finally that wretched camera broke and I thought it was time to move on into the new technology that has come out and went and bought a flip camera. This was a great day. I was able to film with it as soon as I got into my car and immediately went to my friends house to go skating and hopefully get some good footage. While secretly I was hoping someone would fall so I could catch a quick clip of it. It would be sweet if I could catch one of my first videos of one of my friends falling and record one of my first owned videos. If I got that video I would have been so excited but unfortunately I could not have been that lucky. So no I am working on my editing skills with the program that comes with the camera. The program is simple to use and works with any computer system. I combined smaller videos to make a larger movie and I hope to share some of them soon. I will probably post a link to my youtube in a couple days when I get decent amount of videos going so they will contain jokes that everyone can get not just inside jokes with me and my friends. So until next time guys I will be playing with my flip camera and hopefully sharing videos soon. For info and adventures with my camera check out flipcamerascheap.com